How NBA Legend Kobe Bryant Can Help Us Live Our Best Life.

Did you know, as a youngster, Kobe Bryant almost gave up the game of basketball to focus on soccer? He had just finished a basketball camp where he didn't score a single point, not one.After going home defeated, Bryant read about how his idol, Michael Jordan did not make the cut for the varsity basketball team. Just like his idol, Bryant decided to use his failure at basketball camp as a motivator. This was the beginning of his journey to becoming a willpower champion. Whether you're trying to add a few more triple-doubles to your stats for next season or you are a corporate athlete working your way to a raise next year, taking a few pages from Kobe's playbook will give you the willpower boost you need to reach the next level.

What Is Willpower Really

Believe it or not, most of us completely miss the mark when it comes to understanding willpower. Willpower is our ability to consistently take action that aligns with our bigger goals while avoiding short-term distractions. Willpower isn't about turning yourself into a robot solely focused on accomplishing a single goal and giving up if you fall short.  As odd as it may sound, willpower is essentially a muscle. Just like any other muscle, we can make our willpower stronger. 

Build Your Willpower Muscle Just like Kobe

Kobe Bryant used his massive willpower muscle to work his way up to being the legend we remember. He counted all of his successful shots in practice and wouldn't stop until he sank 400 baskets. He often practiced cuts and turns without a basketball to hone his movements. Kobe also stuck to a strict diet and even taught himself to play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata by ear on the piano.


One of the tricks Kobe used to build his willpower was meditation. In fact, Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal, and Michael Jordan used the same meditation coach. Meditation builds our willpower by helping us to stay in the moment and focus on the task at hand. Here are some tips to help you build your willpower muscle through meditation.


Obviously, it's not reasonable for many of us, or honestly, any of us to work out like Kobe. But, routine exercise even a walk around the block helps build a bigger willpower muscle. Exercising routinely boosts our mental ability to persevere. Research shows regularly exercising also helps us to avoid procrastinating. I don't know of anyone out there who would not like to procrastinate a little bit less.

Fuel Your Brain and Body

Professional athletes have to fuel their mind and body with the right foods. Those of us who want to keep our willpower high need to take the same approach. When our blood sugar drops our willpower muscle gets worn down. Eating before a demanding willpower event is always a good idea. Also, eating foods that keep our blood sugar stable over long periods of time keeps our willpower going strong.

Keep Your Big Goal in Mind

Kobe was driven to be a champion. In 2008 after the Lakers lost the NBA championship to the Celtics, Bryant hit the gym immediately after the game was over. When you feel like throwing in the towel, remind yourself of your ultimate goal and what life will be like if you give up. #RIPBlackMamba 

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